Notes and News

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Worship Services

Saturdays at 5:00 p.m.

Sundays at 9:00 a.m.

Meaningful Ministry

“Ministry” is one of those churchy words that is often used, yet perhaps not fully understood. Ministry comes from the Latin word for “service.” Ministry involves serving others with love, compassion, and empathy. Helping someone with physical needs is sometimes called “compassion ministry.” Helping someone with their spiritual needs, sharing the good news of Christ, is generally called “gospel ministry.”
We misunderstand ministry if we think of it as something only ministers do. While pastors are called to perform gospel ministry on behalf of others, ultimately every believer is called by God to reflect Christ-like love and share the message of salvation as God provides those opportunities.

Join us for a new series: Meaningful Ministry

Game Nights

Good Shepherd will be hosting a monthly family game night on the first Friday of each month from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Bring your own games, snacks, and beverages of choice and enjoy some fellowship! Next Game Night will be Friday, August 3rd.

Area Women’s Study

The Area WELS Women’s Bible study enjoyed a great discussion about John the Baptist’s questions to Jesus in Luke 7 and we learned quite a bit about the sinful woman who anointed Jesus! We are looking forward to Luke 8 with the Parable of the Sower and other great ministry moments with Jesus. We will meet July 2nd and 16th at 6:30pm at Good Shepherd, Fond du Lac (please note the construction in the area and enter on Martin Ave. from the north). There is no Bible study July 30th, we will meet August 6th & 20th. Feel free to contact Naomi Schmidt if you have questions or would like text reminders: 920-960-1436.

Men’s Book Study

“You are the light of the world…let your light shine in people’s presence, so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16).  The single reason God hasn’t yet brought you to live with him is so that you would reflect God’s light to a dark world.  Join us for some conversations about this biblical topic, shaped by the book “Faith that Shines in the Culture.”  We’ll meet every Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m., starting July 24th.  We’ll meet outside, weather permitting.  Copies of the book are available on the narthex counter.  

Adult Night Out

Join us for our next Adult Night Out on Friday, August 9th. We will meet at Benvenuto’s beginning with a social hour at 5:00 p.m. and then dinner (off the menu) at 6:00 p.m. Please sign up by Sunday, July 28th to let us know you will be joining!

Save the Dates!

Mark your calendars for these upcoming events at Good Shepherd!

Friday, August 9th

Adult Night Out at Benvenuto’s

Sunday, September 8th

Good Shepherd Golf Outing

100 Missions in 10 Years

At the 2021 Synod Convention, delegates enthusiastically approved a WELS Home Missions initiative to plant 100 home mission churches and enhance 75 ministries in 10 years beginning in 2023. During the same time, we want to support 75 enhancement grants to help existing congregations reach more souls, often in other cultures. This is a BIG challenge. An impossible one you might say. But this initiative isn’t as much about planting more churches but about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s about aggressively reaching lost souls. We pray that God will bless our efforts, trusting that he is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. Learn more about this initiative, stay up-to-date on progress, and learn how you can get involved in this synodwide church planting effort at

100 Missions in 10 Years: Lauren’s Story

Call a Pastor

Please remember that a pastor is called to be a shepherd of souls. He leads and feeds the flock with God’s Word and Sacrament. Please be assured that the pastors stand ready to assist you with your spiritual needs. Contact Pastor Zimpelmann or Pastor Grunewald with any questions or concerns.

JLL Teachers Needed

Jesus’ Little Lambs is currently looking to add two full time individuals to their teaching staff. The hours would be full-time (35-40 hours per week) between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. depending on enrollment. Applicants should possess strong communication skills, a love of children, and a desire to share God’s Word with the children and families that attend Jesus’ Little Lambs. Early childhood experience is a plus, but not necessary. Qualified persons should be an active member in a WELS congregation. If you are interested or have questions, contact Kendra Norris, JLL Director, (920) 921-8500 or